Registration: 6. Technical Taskforce Meeting

28th and 29th November 2019 | Taskforces

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear UCAN partners,

We would like to cordially invite you to the 6th working meeting of the Taskforce Technique in Heidelberg.

The meeting will take place on:

Date:            November 28th, 2019: 10:30-17:00 and November 29th, 2019: 09:00-14:30
Location:     Institute for Communication and Assessment Research
Wieblinger way 92a / 69123 Heidelberg

We would be delighted if we could welcome a large number of technical contacts from the partner faculties and institutions to our meeting.

For organisational reasons, we would like to ask you to give us your feedback by 10th November 2019. Please use the registration form below to register. We will send you the documents required for the event by e-mail shortly.

You are also welcome to nominate an official representative. Please contact Mrs. Kerstin Lubik, Tel. +49 6221 / 186749-3.

We are looking forward to your participation and a lively exchange with you!

With kind regards from Heidelberg
Your UCAN team

Anmeldung: 6. Arbeitstreffen der Taskforce Technik