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Get an overview of all news posts published so far. Learn more about current and past events, publications and newsletters, workshops, ...
Over 500 tradespeople digitally assessed
Great success for the digitalisation of examinations in the skilled trades!
> Read ArticleBuilding energy consultants master digital exam on tablet!
Digital assessment in the hairdressing trade? Of course!
> Read ArticleChamber of Crafts Ostwestfalen-Lippe zu Bielefeld conducts first exam with UCAN
The new year began with a milestone for the Chamber of Skilled Crafts Ostwestfalen-Lippe zu Bielefeld and for ProNet Handwerk: On 9 and 10 January 2024, the first digital instructor aptitude test (AdA-Schein) took place using the UCAN software.
> Read ArticleA milestone for UCAN – 1,000,000 items and 60,000 exams!
We are excited and proud to celebrate a significant milestone in our community today. Not only has our exam network reached its 1,000,000th item, but we’ve also recorded an astounding 60,000 exams on our platform!
> Read ArticleMerry Christmas
On behalf of the entire team, we would like to take this opportunity to send you our warmest Christmas greetings
> Read ArticleUCAN’s Remarkable Presence at AMEE 2023
At AMEE, we had the incredible opportunity to connect with leading experts in the field of medical education and engage in meaningful discussions. Our commitment to providing innovative solutions for assessment procedures, including cutting-edge assessment tools, truly shone through. The Planetary Health OSCEs and the International ProgressTest garnered a lot of interest as well.
> Read ArticleAMEE 2023
Also this year the Institute for Communication and Assessment Research and UCAN will be represented at the annual meeting of AMEE in Glasgow (UK). Come by our booth no. 88 in the non-profit area and visit us! We´re looking forward to see you!
> Read ArticleInvitation and registration for the Scientific UCAN Conference 2023
Registration for Technical Taskforce
We are very pleased to announce that today we can open the registration for our international Technical Taskforce Meeting on September 27, 2023.
> Read ArticleAnother milestone reached in the ProNet Handwerk project
Another milestone was reached in the “Examination Software” work package in April: The testing of the tablet-based examination tool tOSCE in the practical master craftsman’s examination for electrical engineers at the Heilbronn-Franken Chamber of Crafts was successfully completed and evaluated.
> Read ArticleUCAN Conference 2023: Call for Abstracts
Save the date: UCAN-Conference 2023
The next international UCAN conference will take place from 28th to 29th of September 2023. It will be hosted by our partner Medical School Hamburg with the hygiene regulations currently in force. Save today for the date of our UCAN Conference 2023. More information will follow shortly.
> Read ArticleSave the Date: Technical Taskforce Meeting on 28.09.2022
After the last meeting of the international Technical Taskforce took place virtually, we are very pleased that the venue for a face-to-face meeting has been fixed.
> Read ArticleContinuing education for authors of exam questions
> Read Articlestronger exchange through networking
Sustainable trees instead of greeting cards – UCAN donates 17 trees!
This year we deliberately decided against Christmas greetings by mail and instead opted for a tree donation.
> Read ArticleThe future of testing in the crafts sector is digital!
The introduction of digitally supported examinations in the crafts sector has already been offering many advantages in individual skilled crafts organizations for several years. The change from paper-based to digitally supported examinations is taking place gradually. In addition, the Corona pandemic has given a boost to digitization in everyday teaching and working life, and thus also in the examination system. Since November 2020, the ProNet Handwerk team has been working on how the examination process in the crafts sector can be streamlined and simplified nationwide with the help of digitally supported examinations. The goal is to establish examination software that is precisely tailored to the requirements of the crafts sector.
> Read Article4,000 tOSCE exams
When we started using tablet-based OSCE exams in 2012, we did not expect how much this UCAN tool would change the UCAN world.
> Read Article900,000 Items in the IMS!
Dear UCAN partners,
there is no substitute for personal contact with our users and their direct feedback. Therefore, we would like to invite you to participate in our monthly jour fixe “Meet the developers”.