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Use of innovative learning and assessment methods at the medical faculties of the Federal Republic of Germany? A current inventory

2009 | Publications

Since the introduction of the new medical licensing regulations in 2002, the teaching and review of clinical competences in medical studies is of particular importance. So far, a complete, comprehensive survey on the implementation of new, innovative learning and examination methods at the medical faculties of the Federal Republic of Germany is missing.

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Guideline for faculty-internal performance records during medical studies: A position paper of the GMA Committee on Examinations and the Competence Centre for Examinations Baden-Württemberg

2008 | Publications

This guideline is addressed to lecturers who are entrusted with the planning, implementation and evaluation of internal faculty examinations. The guideline contains quality standards which are, among other things, a prerequisite for objective, reliable, valid – and thus justiciable – examinations. Written in the form of a checklist, the guideline is intended to serve as a practical working instrument for organizing examinations.

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Quality assurance of assessments using the example of the OSCE exam format: Experiences of the Medical Faculty of the University of Heidelberg.

Influence of examiners on the assessments in an OSCE.

February 2008 | Publications

Examiners certainly have some influence on the assessment of examinations. Of practical relevance is whether this results in a serious reduction of objectivity and reliability.

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