“Are the batteries holding up?” – Pilot project for tablet-based written exams at the Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus of the TU Dresden

September 2019 | Publications

The use of tablets in teaching has a long tradition at the Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus of the TU Dresden. They are successfully used in the annual selection interviews, in the teaching evaluation and in OSCE stations for effective paperless recording. On 16.07.2018, a written examination for all 220 students in the field of medical psychology/sociology was conducted exclusively electronically on tablets for the first time as part of a pilot project.


Linke M, Berth H, Richter EP, Pich H, Kugel T, Hinz H, Ehrlich S, Mutschler A, Brass K. „Halten die Akkus durch?“ – Pilotprojekt zum tabletbasierten schriftlichen Prüfen an der Medizinischen Fakultät Carl Gustav Carus der TU Dresden. GMA 2019 (Presentation)

Read more information here.

