Development of a competency-based formative progress test with student-generated MCQs: Results from a multi-centre pilot study

2015 | Publications

Progresstests give students feedback about their knowledge growth during their studies. In medical education, peer-assisted learning and competence-based education have become increasingly important. While progresstests have proven to be a longitudinal feedback tool, there are no progress tests that have been developed in collaboration with students and that address the competence orientation of medical education. This study will examine the extent to which students are involved in the development of a progression test On the other hand, it should be shown that the knowledge aspects of competences can be mapped in a competence-oriented progression test.

Wagener S, Möltner A, Tımbıl S, Gornostayeva M, Schultz JH, Brüstle P, Mohr D, Vander Beken A, Better J, Fries M, Gottschalk M, Günther J, Herrmann L, Kreisel Ch, Moczko T, Illg C, Jassowicz A, Müller A, Niesert M, Strübing F, Jünger J: Entwicklung eines formativen kompetenzbasierten Progresstests mit MC-Fragen von Studierenden – Ergebnisse einer multifakultären Pilotstudie. GMS Z Med. Ausbild

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