First virtual examiner training on creating good MC questions
On January 26, 2021, the first virtual training on “Writing good multiple-choice questions” took place with 34 participants and IMS authors from the Medical Faculty of Otto von Guerike University Magdeburg.
The two-hour examiner training was conducted by the lecturers Dr. med. Markus Krautter, MME and Dipl.-Inform. Med. Konstantin Brass and considered a total of three modules. The first module was dedicated to the overarching questions “What is a good exam?” and “What is a good question?”. Against the background of his many years of experience as a question reviewer at Springer Verlag with over 100 reviewed CME articles and 1000 reviewed exam questions, Mr. Krautter was able to give the participants many helpful tips on how to create good multiple-choice questions and what criteria should be met for a “good” exam and “good” question. After the second module focused on “the planning of exams”, Mr. Brass explained in module three the main topic “evaluation and interpretation of statistical parameters of an exam”. Due to the very positive feedback, a continuation and development of a training series is intended.
If you would like to plan a training for your IMS authors, please contact Ms. Kerstin Lubik.