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Get an overview of all news posts published so far. Learn more about current and past events, publications and newsletters, workshops, ...
UCAN-Anniversary-Report „The Journey of UCAN – Experience, Expertise, Engagement – Assessing together since 15 years“
This year, UCAN is looking back on 15 years of collaborative research, development of innovative examination formats, sharing of resources, and the development, implementation and evaluation of assessment standards. For the 15th anniversary we have written an annual report which can be downloaded here.
> Read ArticleImpact of COVID-19 on digital medical education: compatibility of digital teaching and examinations with integrity and ethical principles
Medical assessment in the age of digitalisation
Digital assessment is becoming more and more popular within medical education. To analyse the dimensions of this digital trend, we investigated how exam questions (items) are created and designed for use in digital medical assessments in Germany. Thus, we want to explore whether different types of media are used for item creation and if a digital trend in medical assessment can be observed.
> Read ArticleReview of interprofessional competencies: Development and testing of OSCE stations
Medtalk-Toolbox – Exchange of best practice examples on the subject of “Medical Conversation” and “Interprofessional Collaboration and Communication”
The Toolbox, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Health and the Robert Bosch Foundation, offers teachers and assessors the opportunity to integrate communicative and interprofessional skills into their training curricula. Existing resources are bundled and the quality of medical conversation and interprofessional cooperation and communication is standardised.
> Read ArticleKey Feature Questions in the Student Competence-Oriented Progress Test
In 2018, the student competence-oriented Progress Test contained 120 MC questions, 10 SJT questions and four Key Feature cases (with a total of 18 individual questions) for the first time.
> Read ArticleFacing challenges in the field of medical examinations together
Introduction of tablet-based exams at the Medical Faculty of the Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel
The aim of the Medical Faculty of the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel is to completely convert the written (multiple choice) examinations of the 2nd phase of medical studies from paper-based to tablet-based.
> Read Article“Are the batteries holding up?” – Pilot project for tablet-based written exams at the Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus of the TU Dresden
On 16.07.2018, a written exam for all 220 students in the field of medical psychology/sociology was implemented exclusively electronically on tablets for the first time as part of a pilot project.
> Read ArticleWhere do we stand? – Feedback for faculties of the student competence-oriented Progress Test
Video presentations in psychiatric examination questions – A pilot study
For the first time in the context of this pilot study, psychopathological phenomena were implemented by actors in videos as part of psychiatric exam questions in an electronically supported assessment (e-assessment).
> Read ArticleBasicexam surgery: basic knowledge of surgical disciplines
Communicate effectively? It is worth it! Effects of physician-patient-communication.
Patient-oriented physician-patient-communication plays a central role in the course of treatment and treatment success. There are diverse research articles that shows that a purely formal and physician-centered communication between physicians and patients can have negative effects and even pose a major safety risk for the patients.
> Read ArticleUnfortunately, I have no good news for you … Breaking bad news.
The education about the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment options is an original medical task. For all those involved in the discussion, the information discussion and the delivery of bad news are emotionally charged.
> Read Article“I am sure of it” – Confidence rating in the student competence-oriented progress test
With the confidence rating in the student competency-oriented progress test, students not only receive feedback on their learning progress during their studies, but also on how confidently they assess their knowledge.
> Read ArticleWill I even be understood as a doctor? Adaptation to individual language levels and application of comprehensible measures.
Lack of language skills, limited cognitive abilities or a low social status can lead to insecurity in the handling of the health system or with female doctors. Many patients try to hide their insecurity and often do not ask if they have not understood something.
> Read ArticleHow can medical dialogue be sucessfull?
UCAN-Report 2006-2016: 10 years of medical assessment in the Consortium
For over 10 years, we have been researching together, developing innovative audit formats, sharing our resources, developing, implementing and evaluating auditing standards and using our common audit platform for collaborative quality assurance and workflow optimization.
> Read ArticleCollaborative Assessment of Communication Skills: The Umbrella Consortium for Assessment Networks.
Longkomm-Toolbox – Exchange of Best Practice Examples on the Subject of Communication Skills.
Within this project, ideas were developed how to realize the implementation of communication skills in current curricula efficiently. To facilitate this implementation, an online-platform (“Longkomm-Toolbox”) was created which should enable lecturers to exchange best practice examples on the subject of communication skills.
> Read ArticleThe standardized Patients Database (SPDB)
For the purposes of educational training and assessment at the University Hospital Heidelberg we coordinate approx. 1100 SP sessions per year using a pool of 78 simulated patient role-players. The efficient management of the SPs and their sessions is a great challenge.
> Read Article